donderdag 10 juli 2008

How realistic is realism really?

Have you ever noticed people who often look at the dark side of the moon tend to think of themselves as being 'realistic'?
They may say "Life is hard and you always have to keep in my mind what can go wrong".
But I can't help but wonder: Aren't they máking life difficult by looking at it from this perspective? If you always have an eye on what can go wrong and what's difficult, is there still time left to pay attention to what is right, to see the possibilities? Are you standing in the way of creating a life for yourself you have always wanted but doubted is possible?How realistic is it to always have your attention on the pitfalls of life? Do you still have your eyes open for the stepping stones, spring-boards, red carpets, the extending helping hands life also has to offer?Are you only seeing half the picture?
Because how much can you really taste life if you're busy trying to avoid things? And when you're busy avoiding, are you still clear about where you're heading? Can you see what life has to offer if you protect yourself from it?If you put all your energy in avoiding, how can you reach...
In a way you could say avoidance is resisting life, resisting what is..If you can find a way to pause for a moment, to stop, you might be able to melt your protective armour, take down your guard, and create the possibility to move freely without restriction, free of obstacles and for freedom to become your reality.

So, let's be realistic here.I'm not appealing to you to believe in fairytales, or escape into a dreamworld.On the contrary. Yet to encourage you to shift your attention more frequently to what can turn out right, what is already right, and simply be willing to glimpse and embrace the possible obstacles without limiting your life force, your energy, your vision.
Head in the clouds and both feet on the ground we can, very realistically make our dreams come true.

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